Persian - Cat Breeds

The Persian is a heavily boned, well-balanced cat with a sweet expression and soft, round lines. This cat has large round eyes set wide apart in a large round head. The long thick coat softens the outlines of the cat and accentuates the roundness in appearance.


If you want your cats bouncing around like hyperactive popcorn, don’t adopt a Persian. Persians are perfect companions, if you like placid, sweet-tempered cats. concave curve, eye ridge to bridge of nose. They love to play between periods of regal lounging on your favorite davenport. Proponents say that Persians do not deserve their furniture-with-fur reputation; they are usually intelligent, just not as inquisitive as some breeds, and not as active.

Persian cat breeds are devoted to their humans, but can be selective in conferring that honor. You must earn their trust and love. They crave affection and want to be petted and fussed over, but won’t harass you for attention the way some breeds will. They will, however, let their feelings become known if they are not getting the requisite quantity of attention.

Persians require significant time commitment. That beautiful coat requires daily grooming to keep it in good condition and free of mats. Many Persians require professional grooming.



Persians have enjoyed a long reign as a favorite breed and have featured prominently since 1871. Persians have been around for much longer than 125 years. Longhaired cats, including the ancestors of the modern Persian and Angora breeds, were first seen in Europe in the mid-to-late 1500s, introduced by Roman and Phoenician caravans from Persia (now Iran) and Turkey, according to documents of the era. Researchers believe the recessive gene for long hair appeared spontaneously via mutation in the cat population in the cold mountainous areas of Persia.

An Italian traveler by the name of Pietro della Valle (1586-1652) is credited with bringing Persian cats to the European world in the 1600s. Both Angora and Persian cats are mentioned in the manuscript Voyages de Pietro della Valle. He described the Persians as gray with very long, silky, glossy fur. He noted that the cats resided in the province of Khorazan in Persia, and that they came from India with the Portuguese.

Other travelers brought Persian and Angora cats into France and then into England, causing them to be called “French cats” for a numend up beingr of years. These cats quickly became popular in Britain. During this time and for centuries after, the Turkish Angora and Persian varieties (among others) were commonly mixed. At first, Angoras were preferred because of their silky white coats. Eventually, however, the British came to favor the stockier version. By 1871, distinct differences between the Persian and the Angora could be seen, the former being stockier with small, rounded ears, and the latter being slender and tall eared.

By the early 1900s, the Persian had become overwhelmingly popular. Blue Persians were particularly prized, probably because Queen Victoria was the proud pet parent of two. In the early 1900s, it was decided that the Persian, as well as the Angora and Russian Longhairs, would be known simply as Longhairs, a policy that continues today. Each color is considered a separate breed in Britain.

Persians were brought to America in the late 1800s, where they were enthusiastically received. The Persian quickly shoved aside the competition and quickly took the place as the top cat. The American Persian developed an unique style and evolved into the type we see today. They are by far the most popular pedigreed breed in the North America. In North America, the Persian is considered one breed, irrespective of color. Colors and patterns are divisions within the breed.

Physical Attributes


Substantial and rangy. Medium to large in size. Prominent shoulder blades.


Medium to large inverted pear. Hips medium width, prominent, slightly higher than shoulder sloping downward to tail. Deep flank, broad chest. Primordial belly pouch. Back not level, slight upward slope toward hips. Chin well-developed. Deep set, one eye width apart.Fleshy gently rounded whisker pads. Definite whisker break. Nose wide, slightly convex. Slight nose bump. Slightly rounded forehead; Don’t count on using your Persian pal as a furry doorstop, however.


Medium height, wide, deep base. Set as much on side as top of head, slight outward tilt.


Medium-sized, heavily hooded soft triangle. Bushy brow. Full broad muzzle. Eye color gold, brown, or gooseberry green.


Legs long, hind legs slightly longer. Muscular with heavy boning. Feet large, long, wide almost round, large fleshy toes. All toes except dew claws must rest on floor pointing forward. Seven toes maximum.


Tail bone is usually two inches minimum, maximum length to hock with leg extended. Some have an articulated tail, kinks and curls.


All shades of Brown Spotted Tabby; mouse coat; reversed ticking; light color throat to belly; paw pads/hocks dark brown/black; tail tip is usually dark brown/black; white or cream band must surround eye; mascara marking from outer corner down through cheek. Pattern small to medium spots; muted by ticking; random spotting.


Medium, under two inches (5 cm). Belly hair longer. Texture soft, lying closer to the body than shorthair. Semi-dense. Coat, color, and pattern secondary to type. Both coats’ facial hair is full and bushy, with downward growth pattern. Coat separates easily and is weather resistant.


Short stand-up coat. Belly hair longer. Texture soft and wooly, having loft. Is resilient to the touch. Coat, color, and pattern secondary to type. Both coats facial hair is full and bushy, with downward growth design. Coat separates easily and is weather resistant.


Note: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, cats are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

By Cat Food Site

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