The kidneys of a healthy cat are part of an efficient, essential system that filters waste from his bloodstream and sends it out of his body through urine. This article will introduce you to kidney failure in cats.
When kidneys fail - sometimes referred to as renal failure - there is nothing in your cat’s body to take over this important job. Because of this, waste and toxins begin to build up in his blood. An acute fall shorture, on the other hand, presents an emergency that must be treated immediately. With chronic kidney failure, a cat’s kidneys fail progressively over time.
Types of Kidney Failure
There are two types of kidney failure in cats: chronic (ongoing) and acute (urgent). This doesn’t mean that chronic kidney failure isn’t serious. On the contrary, it’s the leading cause of death in pet cats.
Is Your Cat at Risk?
Chronic and acute kidney failure have different sets of risk factors. Things that can increase a cat’s risk of developing chronic kidney failure include:
- - Old age
- - Dental disease
- - Poor diet
- - Lifelong diet of dry food only
- - Low potassium levels
- - High blood pressure
- - Genetics
Any breed of cat can have chronic kidney failure, but it’s believed that Abyssinians and Persians develop the disease at a slightly higher rate.
Acute kidney failure can be caused by urinary tract blockages, abdominal trauma, infection or poison. Therefore, a major risk factor for this type of kidney failure in cats is living outdoors. To reduce your cat’s odds of developing this usually deadly condition, keep her indoors where you can monitor the cat diet and safety. Also be sure to keep antifreeze and Easter lilies away from your cat’s living area. These two items are top causes of poisoning-induced acute kidney failure in cats.
READ NEXT: 4 Must-Know Tips for Preventing Kidney Failure in Cats